i am in *love* with the newest round of collabor88 goodies…
…not only is the color palette gorgeous (shades of deep orange, golden yellow && cool teal-blue), but just about everything i spied there was callin’ my name~
collabor88 is one of those events that i look most forward to every single month. the mixture of home furnishings (which *really* helps, considering i’ve a brand new home to finish decorating!), fabulous fashion, accessories and even poses is all kinds of awesome. but this round, i found *so* many things i honestly flipped out for that i couldn’t even fit everything into one look. the collections just keep getting better && better and this round was definitely no exception.
the dress i’m wearing here is *so* sexy. it’s from hucci and i absolutely love it. the turtleneck collar, the length of the skirt, the lovely suede texturing…. and the way it moves… it is just flaw free. the fit on this dress is fantastic and i adore this blue-gray color, but i also snagged it in black because it was just too *good* to pass up.
glam affair also has a few new things at collabor88 this round, including both the boots(!) && the skin i’m wearing today. the seul ankle boots come in a range of really pretty jewel tone colors that almost look metallic, but my favorite was this pretty golden bronze color. it’s neutral enough to work with just about anything i could possibly want to wear (Read more...)