ah, november… even though it is undeniably autumn now that halloween is over, and i’ve woken up every day recently in my rl to typical fall weather with cold winds && lotsa rain (damn you, hurricane sandy!), i wasn’t really feelin’ the whole bundled up sort of look for today.
and it has a *lot* to do with these shoes. but i’ll get to that in a moment~
most of this look is made up of things i’ve had floatin’ around in my inventory for a li’l while, which is.. refreshing to do, sometimes. i know i talk a lot here about the black hole that is my virtual wardrobe and even though at the moment it is mostly organized, there still are things i rediscover in there that i forgot i had. it’s nice to go shopping in my own inventory && put together a “new” look with stuffs i’ve bought in the past. y’know, give them fresh new life and all that!
i grabbed this bra from sn@tch, during a recent sale. i *think* the sale has ended ( sorry, blogger fail ;( ) but this lingerie set was pretty and *leopard* and caught my eye. i picked up a few other things during that sale… as i do with most sales. can’t just buy one thing, right? ;P but i felt like blogging the lingerie without doing a *typical* lingerie post. because i’m sure the last thing ya’ll want to see is me in my panties, riiiiight?
so i threw on a blazer, because.. it’s classy, okay? and this one from house of fox (Read more...)