It's like my life was muted, never really having a new spark to it. Now, I keep seeing all these new colors around me. It's new, it's different and I think it's you. You came into my life and took all my black and white, sprinkled your beautiful colors around it and made everything amazing and new. And for that, for you…I'll never not be grateful.
Glam Affair – Luna skin – Jamaica Tone – 08
IKON Charm Eyes – Moor (M)
[monso] My Hair – Claire /Black Brown * @UBER *
Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V3.4
MG Necklace – Silver Cross – Medium
-Pixicat- Chic.Jumpsuit – Black (Maitreya) * @UBER *
Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands V2.1 – Casual
: Amorous : Bangled 3
Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet High V2.1
fri. – Veronica.Platforms (Black) – Slink * 50% off sale starting today! *
pose by myself